Home insurance updates

We’ve been busy making updates to our home insurance cover to help make things a little clearer for you.

See what's changed

This table is a guide and lists the main changes to the Home Insurance Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). The information in the table does not replace or vary our PDS so please read the entire PDS for details of features and benefits and to ensure that this product is right for you. You can also read our Contents Key Fact Sheet (KFS) or Buildings Key Fact Sheet (KFS) that set out some of the events covered and not covered by Youi buildings and contents insurance policies.

Not covered
PDS section Buildings Contents Page # Update type Change in the PDS PDS Effective Date
Important information 4 - 17
Your responsibilities: 2. Notify us of changes 8 Clarification

The terms ‘charged with’ and ‘wilful damage’ have been added to this condition. 

During your contract period you must notify us as soon as practically possible if:  

  • you or anyone covered under this policy have been charged with or convicted of any criminal act relating to fraud, theft, dishonesty, arson, wilful damage or malicious damage. 
03 Jul 2024
What do these words mean? Contents 12 Clarification

Personal transportation devices noted as included under contents. 

Contents also includes: 

  • bicycles and personal transportation devices;
03 Jul 2024
12 Clarification

Food and medicine are covered as contents; including for food spoilage due to Insured Events.

Contents also includes: 

  • food and medicine. 
03 Jul 2024
13 Benefit

Tenant’s fixtures and fittings now included in contents cover.

If contents are insured at a premises where you are a tenant, contents also includes permanently attached fixtures and fittings which belong to you.

03 Jul 2024
What do these words mean? Personal transportation device/s 14 Clarification

Definition added. 

Personal transportation device/s means any vehicle used for personal transportation which is powered by an electric or combustion engine; such as an e-bike, scooter, unicycle, one-wheel, hoverboard, skateboard or segway. It does not include cars, motorcycles, boats, mobility scooters and wheelchairs, or any vehicle powered only by manual means. 

03 Jul 2024
About your cover 18 - 37
Insured Events: 8. Escaping Water 21 Clarification

The leak detection benefit only applies where a claim is made on a Buildings policy for loss or damage caused by escaping water.

03 Jul 2024
21 Clarification

A shower base, recess or cubicle includes the drains, walls, and screens. 

What is not covered? 

Loss or damage: 

  • caused by water escaping: from a leak in a shower base, recess or cubicle (including the drains, walls, and screens).
03 Jul 2024
Extra Cover: 1. Legal Liability 23 Reduction

The words ‘unless the person is a permanent boarder, your tenant, or any other person who resides at the premises who is not your family’ have been removed as an exception to this exclusion,  

What is not covered? 
Any claim for legal liability for death or bodily injury: 

  • you or any employees working for you.
03 Jul 2024
24 Reduction

‘Personal transportation devices’ noted in this exclusion. ‘Hobby aircraft’ (which includes drones) have been removed from the exception, meaning they are now excluded. 

What is not covered?  

Any claim for an accident that results in death, bodily injury, or loss of or damage to any property of a third party caused by, resulting or arising from:

  • the ownership, possession, use or operation of any vehicle, personal transportation device, watercraft or aircraft (except for a bicycle, mobility scooter, wheelchair, cart, remote controlled car, or remote controlled watercraft). 
03 Jul 2024
Extra Cover: 8. Landlord’s Loss of Rent (Landlords only) 27 Clarification

One of the qualifying conditions of this cover has been updated from the premises being ‘no longer safe to live in’ to the premises being ‘unliveable’.  

On page 15 in the ‘What do these words mean’ section, ‘unliveable’ means the premises is: 

  • not safe to live in; or 
  • not fit to live in as a result of not being connected (where it normally would be connected) to electricity, gas or water. 
03 Jul 2024
Extra Cover: 20. Vehicle Spare Parts and Accessories 30 Benefit

Cover expanded to include spare parts, tools and accessories of any vehicle (not just motor vehicles); for example, a trailer. 

03 Jul 2024
Extra Cover: Food Spoilage - Reduction

Food Spoilage is no longer an Extra Cover.

There is no cover in the policy for loss or damage to perishable food and medicines due to the public electricity supply failing to reach the premises, the sudden escape of refrigerant fumes, or electrical or electronic failure, when it was not due to an Insured Event. The nil-excess and $250 per household member (up to a maximum of 6 people) claimable limit no longer apply.

Loss or damage to perishable food and medicines is still covered for Insured Events; as contents, subject to the contents excess and contents sum insured. 

03 Jul 2024
Optional Cover: 3. Lessee/Tenant Default and Damage: a. Lessee’s Rental Arrears (Landlords only) 32 Benefit

The most we will pay for rental arrears has increased from $1,000 per week to $1,250 per week.

03 Jul 2024
General exclusions 37 Reduction

Silica has been added to this exclusion. 

We will not pay for death or bodily injury to any person, or loss or damage to property, caused by, resulting or arising from: 

43. asbestos or silica. 

03 Jul 2024
Claiming 38 - 44
Responsibilities when you make a claim 40 Clarification

Authorised persons have been added to this condition. 

8. You and any authorised person must give us your full co-operation and comply with all our requests in relation to your claim.

03 Jul 2024
Excess 43 Reduction

The single excess benefit when claiming on more than one Youi policy for the same incident extends only to a spouse’s or defacto partner’s policy where the policyholders are not the same person or legal entity.

03 Jul 2024
Not covered
PDS section Buildings Contents Page # Update type Change in the PDS PDS Effective Date
Important information 3 - 14
Your responsibilities: 2. Notify us of any changes 7 Clarification You must notify us as soon as practically possible if any of the specified changes listed under ‘Notify us of any changes’ occur. 05 Jul 2023
Your responsibilities: 10. Treat our people with respect 9 Clarification If this requirement is not met, we can cancel any policy you have with us and, where relevant, we can remove you as an authorised person from any other Youi policy. 05 Jul 2023
What do these words mean? 10 Reduction Business item/s: Definition updated to include instruments and tools you use for your ‘trade or profession’. This means such instruments and tools are not covered as regular ‘contents’, including under the optional cover Contents Accidental Loss or Damage; rather you must have the optional cover Business Items for them to be covered. 05 Jul 2023
12 Clarification Jewellery: Definition updated to any wearable adornment containing a valuable material; and can be a smart device such as a smart watch. 05 Jul 2023
About your cover 15 - 32
Storm 16 Reduction No cover for retaining walls. 10 Dec 2022
16 Clarification Water from the ground is an example of rising damp or seepage, which is not covered. 05 Jul 2023
16 Reduction No cover for jetties and pontoons. 05 Jul 2023
Flood 17 Reduction No cover for retaining walls. 10 Dec 2022
17 Clarification Water from the ground is an example of rising damp or seepage, which is not covered. 05 Jul 2023
17 Reduction No cover for jetties and pontoons. 05 Jul 2023
Escaping Water 18 Reduction No cover for retaining walls. 10 Dec 2022
17 Clarification If you have buildings cover with us, we will organise and pay the cost of using the most appropriate method to detect the source of the escaping water; this may be limited to non-invasive work, such as a thermal camera. 05 Jul 2023
18 Clarification Water from the ground is an example of rising damp or seepage, which is not covered. 05 Jul 2023
Contents Outside 24 Benefit Contents are covered when they are outside at the premises, or inside structures at the premises that are not fully enclosed or lockable. 05 Jul 2023
Buildings Accidental Damage 27 Reduction No cover for retaining walls. 10 Dec 2022
27 Reduction No cover for jetties and pontoons. 05 Jul 2023
Lessee/Tenant Default and Damage 28 Reduction b. Theft or Damage by Tenant: intentional damage is covered, rather than any damage. 05 Jul 2023
General exclusions 31 Clarification 38. Water from the ground is an example of rising damp or seepage. 05 Jul 2023
Not covered
PDS section Buildings Contents Page # Update type Change in the PDS PDS Effective Date
Important information 4 - 12
Cancelling your policy 4 Benefit Cancellation fee reduced to $22, with clarity on when this will apply. 05 Apr 2021
What if I have a complaint? 5 Clarification Updated details regarding our complaints process. 04 Sep 2021
Your duty of disclosure / When answering our questions 6 Clarification The Duty of Disclosure has been replaced with the duty of an insured “to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation when answering our questions”. 05 Apr 2021
Your responsibilities 6 - 8 Clarification Improved transparency with expanded section on the requirement to maintain a valid email address. 05 Apr 2021
8 Clarification Responsibility to take "Take reasonable precautions" has been changed to a responsibility to "Take care of the insured property". 05 Apr 2021
What do these words mean? 9 - 11
Business item/s 9 Clarification Updated for clarification that business items do not mean your home office equipment. 04 Sep 2021
Home office equipment 10 Clarification New definition included and clarification that your contents includes home office equipment. 04 Sep 2021
Storm surge 11 Clarification New definition included. 04 Sep 2021
You / your / yours 11 Clarification An updated definition to remove “any person acting for the policyholder or for a householder member”'. 05 Apr 2021
About your cover 13 - 30
Fire 13 Benefit Increased cover for soot or smoke. 04 Sep 2021
Earthquake 14 Reduction Landslip only covered within 72 hours of earthquake. 05 Apr 2021
Escaping Water 15 Benefit The $7,500 limit for slow leaks has been removed. 05 Apr 2021
Impact 16 Clarification Updated to confirm what is and what is not covered. 05 Apr 2021
Animal Damage 16 Benefit This is a new Insured Event, covered up to sum insured. 05 Apr 2021
Legal Liability 18 Clarification Exclusion relating to renovations clarified with examples. 05 Apr 2021
Temporary Accommodation: Insured Events 18 Benefit Increased pet accommodation limit to $3,000. 05 Apr 2021
19 Benefit Up to 1 month for temporary accommodation cover for a policyholder who is renting. 05 Apr 2021
Storage of Undamaged Contents 20 Benefit This is new Extra Cover for up to 10% of contents sum insured. 05 Apr 2021
Locks and Keys 21 Benefit Increased locks cover limit to $1,000 and reduced excess of $100. 05 Apr 2021
Clean Up and Professional fees - Contents 21 Benefit This is new Extra Cover for up to 20% of sum insured cover for removal of contents debris. 05 Apr 2021
Contents Outside 22 Benefit Increased limit for contents outside to 10% of sum insured, up to $20,000. 05 Apr 2021
Cover While You Move 22 Benefit Cover provided at any new permanent address. 05 Apr 2021
Food Spoilage 23 Benefit Removed excess for food spoilage. 05 Apr 2021
Damage From Injury or Incident 23 Benefit This is new Extra Cover for up to $10,000. 05 Apr 2021
Vehicle Spare Parts and Accessories 23 Benefit This is a new Extra Cover for up to $500. 05 Apr 2021
Uninstalled Buildings Fixtures, Fittings and Materials 24 Benefit This is a new Extra Cover for up to $1,000. 05 Apr 2021
Counselling Services 24 Benefit Removed 6-month limit to commence counselling. 05 Apr 2021
Guests' Contents 24 Benefit This is a new Extra Cover for up to $1,000. 05 Apr 2021
Lessee/Tenant Default and Damage 26 Reduction Limit Rental Arrears cover to 2 weeks for periodic leases for absconding, default, or death of the tenant. 05 Apr 2021
Fixtures and Fittings Upgrade - Benefit Previously an Optional Cover, now automatically included. Contents sum insured adjusted accordingly with renewals for existing customers who had the Optional Cover. 05 Apr 2021
General exclusions 28 Clarification The exclusion relating to the buildings not being compliant with the building codes in place at time of construction has been updated for transparency. 05 Apr 2021
28 Clarification Exclusions relating to poor or faulty design specifications, material, planning or workmanship, or a defect have been updated to improve transparency. 05 Apr 2021
- Benefit Removal of exclusion for occupancy by more than 3 unrelated people at the premises. 05 Apr 2021
28 Reduction A new exclusion for professional, expert, legal, consulting or valuations costs incurred without our prior written consent. 05 Apr 2021
28 Reduction A new exclusion for water-facing retaining walls and sea walls. 05 Apr 2021
29 Clarification A new exclusion to clarify that we only cover 50% of dividing fences. 04 Sep 2021
29 Reduction A new exclusion relating to tree works. 04 Sep 2021
Claiming 30 - 35
Authorised persons on your claim 30 Clarification Updated section describing (1) how to add an authorised person and (2) conflict of interest. 05 Apr 2021
How we settle your claim 31 - 33 Clarification Updated section providing clarity on how we settle claims. 05 Apr 2021
32 Clarification Clarity on which Extra Covers are paid in addition to or within policy limits. 05 Apr 2021
Matching materials 33 - 34 Clarification An expanded section noting examples of when we will pay extra to create a uniform appearance for undamaged areas of the buildings or contents. 05 Apr 2021
Excess 34 - 35 Clarification Clarification of how and when an excess applies. 05 Apr 2021
Unoccupied excess 35 Benefit Where the premises are unoccupied for more than 60 days, an additional excess will be applied. This additional excess replaces the current exclusion for unoccupied premises. 05 Apr 2021
Actions of others 35 Benefit New section describing circumstances where cover may not be limited by the actions of other people. 05 Apr 2021