Bushfire preparation:
What do you need to know?

Everyone’s bushfire risk is different, depending on factors such as where you live and who you share a home with. you.prepared is packed with expert tips and practical information to help every Aussie get bushfire ready – just complete the quiz to find the content that’s most relevant to you. 

Background image
Which of the following best describes your living situation?
A grid of 4 different houses.
How prepared do you feel for a bushfire in your area?
Man with laptop.
Do you have a Bushfire Survival Plan for your household?
Lady with laptop and child
Are there vulnerable family members in your household? For example, elderly people, young children, or people living with a disability?
Baby crawling in front of house.
When did you last complete bushfire safety maintenance at your house/property? (For example, cleaning gutters, clearing vegetation, fixing damaged roof tiles.)
Man cleaning gutters.
Are you familiar with the Australian Fire Danger Rating System? 
Fire danger rating
Has your home ever been impacted by bushfire, or come close to it?
Fire truck
Do you know the bushfire history of your area?
Bushfire history
Do you know where to look for the latest fire-related warnings and information? 
Bushfire information
Do you have a pet or any livestock? 
A little girl on a farm with chickens.

From Risk to Resilience

Preparing Australia for the 2024-25 bushfire season

The 2019-20 Australian bushfire season – one of the largest fires ever by area burned – made an indelible impression on the minds of Australians for its catastrophic impact on wildlife, homes and livelihoods.

The extreme bushfires tore through large parts of Australia, with estimates of the area burned ranging from 30 million to 40 million hectares. The fires pushed at least 119 animal species to the ‘imminent risk of extinction’.*

While Australians continue to face the threat of bushfire every year, there are indications that despite our resilience to bushfires, we’re not always as readily prepared as we could be. 

We spoke to Australians living in areas exposed to the threat of bushfires to better understand their levels of preparedness. 

This report shines a light on the measures that Australians have taken to prepare their homes and their families, and where they may need to apply extra focus.

Download the report


*Research – Parliament of Australia (aph.gov.au)

Interactive tools

5 jobs to begin your bushfire preparation

Find out what you can do around the home to help prepare for bushfires.

Get ready for fire season with essential bushfire preparation tips. Learn what tasks to do this weekend, this month and this year to help you stay safe.
Create your emergency checklist

Create your bushfire emergency kit checklist here.

Create a comprehensive bushfire survival plan with our helpful guide. Learn essential steps, what to include and how to stay safe during Australia's fire season.
Emergency plus

See the official bushfire resources for your state and territory.

Extreme bushfires are becoming a more frequent reality worldwide, with a 2024 study finding fire behaviour worsening in several regions, including Australia.


Video 1

Episode 1: Introducing Jim Smith & Mark Dobson.

Ordinary Courage's Jim Smith and Mark Dobson have teamed up with Youi to better physically and mentally prepare Australians for bushfire season.
Video 2

Episode 2: How to prepare for bushfires if you live in the country.

Whether your animals are part of your family or part of your livelihood, including them in your bushfire survival plan is essential not only for their safety but for yours, too.
Video 3

Episode 3: How to prepare for bushfires when you live near bushland.

Being ready for bushfire season is all about planning ahead and preparing your home and property well before the fire season starts in your region.
Video 4

Episode 4: How to prepare for bushfires if you live in the suburbs.

Your guide to the useful Australian bushfire apps and official emergency alerts you can access to help you prepare your home and family for bushfires.